A MidWintereve still-life. Inspired in part by the magical Christmas story ‘The Small Brown Mouse’ by Janet McNeill. I’ve included some of my own family traditions and one of my lovely cats, Django. Wassail to you all!
I love it ! ....the wood grain bowl is amazing..oh, and the little mouse is really cute!
Very nice done.
That Tiny MOUSE!! Lovely.
So many fine details, I keep looking out the window waiting for someone to come thru the gate.
Love the composition. You can enjoy yourself taking a leisurely look around the work finding the less obvious bits.
Django hasn't spotted the mouse or the robin yet! My two tomcats would've attacked both in a split second I'm afraid!
You used that wonderful ancient technique of creating distance through a door or window and placing a totally different scenery in it. My applauds to you for that!!
And what many have also written here above, that table simply grabs your attention and won't let it go for minutes and minutes and minutes!!
This is beautiful! I love the Angels and the wide eyed cat. It’s all great!
Nice job on the painting-within-a-painting in the window. You can really feel the warmth in the room. Well done!
This is simply amazing. I love all of the details. Spent quite a bit of time studying it so I would not miss anything. Though I think I still am. That little mouse is super cute!
I love all the details in this! I didn’t even notice the cat lingering in the background until I zoomed in to see the mouse close up. Wonderful job! How long did this take?
Coming up with an idea was the longest bit! A couple of days for drawing the composition & adjusting it a bit, I blocked it out in blue green acrylic, then worked on the oils this week. Not the whole time as I had to take my mother to an appointment on Tuesday! It’s really to dark to paint by natural light by 2.30 in the afternoon, so mostly mornings this week. 😸
Just gorgeous!!! Love your kitty peeking through Just awesome
Hi - did you read my request to allow the Hospices to use your work all year round rather than just for Christmas cards as, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, they were unable to create the website in time? Can you let me know if you agree to the changes or I cannot use your work without your permission.
Many thanks - Colin
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I forgot to say it’s 16”x 12”! (And my first non acrylic still-life)